Friday, February 8, 2013

Pengertian Jaringan Komputer

Jaringan komputer adalah sebuah sistem yang terdiri atas komputer dan perangkat jaringan lainnya yang bekerja bersama-sama untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang sama. Tujuan dari jaringan komputer adalah:
• Membagi sumber daya: contohnya berbagi pemakaian printer, CPU, memori, harddisk
• Komunikasi: contohnya surat elektronik, instant messaging, chatting
• Akses informasi: contohnya web browsing

Agar dapat mencapai tujuan yang sama, setiap bagian dari jaringan komputer meminta dan memberikan layanan (service). Pihak yang meminta layanan disebut klien (client) dan yang memberikan layanan disebut pelayan (server). Arsitektur ini disebut dengan sistem client-server, dan digunakan pada hampir seluruh aplikasi jaringan komputer.
Klasifikasi Berdasarkan skala :
  • Personal Area Network (PAN)
  • Campus Area Network (CAN)
  • Local Area Network (LAN): suatu jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan suatu komputer dengan komputer lain dengan jarak yang terbatas.
  • Metropolitant Area Network (MAN): prinsip sama dengan LAN, hanya saja jaraknya lebih luas, yaitu 10-50 km.
  • Wide Area Network (WAN): jaraknya antar kota, negara, dan benua. ini sama dengan internet.
  • Global Area Network (GAN)

Berdasarkan fungsi : Pada dasarnya setiap jaringan komputer ada yang berfungsi sebagai client dan juga server. Tetapi ada jaringan yang memiliki komputer yang khusus didedikasikan sebagai server sedangkan yang lain sebagai client. Ada juga yang tidak memiliki komputer yang khusus berfungsi sebagai server saja. Karena itu berdasarkan fungsinya maka ada dua jenis jaringan komputer:
• Client-server
Yaitu jaringan komputer dengan komputer yang didedikasikan khusus sebagai server. Sebuah service/layanan bisa diberikan oleh sebuah komputer atau lebih. Contohnya adalah sebuah domain seperti yang dilayani oleh banyak komputer web server. Atau bisa juga banyak service/layanan yang diberikan oleh satu komputer. Contohnya adalah server yang merupakan satu komputer dengan multi service yaitu mail server, web server, file server, database server dan lainnya.
• Peer-to-peer
Yaitu jaringan komputer dimana setiap host dapat menjadi server dan juga menjadi client secara bersamaan. Contohnya dalam file sharing antar komputer di Jaringan Windows Network Neighbourhood ada 5 komputer (kita beri nama A,B,C,D dan E) yang memberi hak akses terhadap file yang dimilikinya. Pada satu saat A mengakses file share dari B bernama data_nilai.xls dan juga memberi akses file soal_uas.doc kepada C. Saat A mengakses file dari B maka A berfungsi sebagai client dan saat A memberi akses file kepada C maka A berfungsi sebagai server. Kedua fungsi itu dilakukan oleh A secara bersamaan maka jaringan seperti ini dinamakan peer to peer.
Berdasarkan topologi jaringan, jaringan komputer dapat dibedakan atas:
• Topologi bus
• Topologi bintang
• Topologi cincin
• Topologi mesh
• Topologi pohon
• Topologi linier

Berdasarkan kriterianya, jaringan komputer dibedakan menjadi 4 yaitu:
1. Berdasarkan distribusi sumber informasi/data
- Jaringan terpusat Jaringan ini terdiri dari komputer klient dan server yang mana komputer klient yang berfungsi sebagai perantara untuk mengakses sumber informasi/data yang berasal dari satu komputer server
- Jaringan terdistribusi Merupakan perpaduan beberapa jaringan terpusat sehingga terdapat beberapa komputer server yang saling berhubungan dengan klient membentuk sistem jaringan tertentu.

2. Berdasarkan jangkauan geografis dibedakan menjadi:
- Jaringan LAN merupakan jaringan yang menghubungkan 2 komputer atau lebih dalam cakupan seperti laboratorium, kantor, serta dalam 1 warnet.
- Jaringan MAN Merupakan jaringan yang mencakup satu kota besar beserta daerah setempat. Contohnya jaringan telepon lokal, sistem telepon seluler, serta jaringan relay beberapa ISP internet.
- Jaringan WAN Merupakan jaringan dengan cakupan seluruh dunia. Contohnya jaringan PT. Telkom, PT. Indosat, serta jaringan GSM Seluler seperti Satelindo, Telkomsel, dan masih banyak lagi.

3. Berdasarkan peranan dan hubungan tiap komputer dalam memproses data.
- Jaringan Client-Server Pada jaringan ini terdapat 1 atau beberapa komputer server dan komputer client. Komputer yang akan menjadi komputer server maupun menjadi komputer client dan diubah-ubah melalui software jaringan pada protokolnya. Komputer client sebagai perantara untuk dapat mengakses data pada komputer server sedangkan komputer server menyediakan informasi yang diperlukan oleh komputer client.
-Jaringan Peer-to-peer Pada jaringan ini tidak ada komputer client maupun komputer server karena semua komputer dapat melakukan pengiriman maupun penerimaan informasi sehingga semua komputer berfungsi sebagai client sekaligus sebagai server.

4. Berdasarkan media transmisi data
- Jaringan Berkabel (Wired Network) Pada jaringan ini, untuk menghubungkan satu komputer dengan komputer lain diperlukan penghubung berupa kabel jaringan. Kabel jaringan berfungsi dalam mengirim informasi dalam bentuk sinyal listrik antar komputer jaringan.
- Jaringan Nirkabel (Wireless Network) Merupakan jaringan dengan medium berupa gelombang elektromagnetik. Pada jaringan ini tidak diperlukan kabel untuk menghubungkan antar komputer karena menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik yang akan mengirimkan sinyal informasi antar komputer jaringan.

Abstract: Combining the simplicity of Apple's Object Pascal language with the power and efficiency of C++ to create Turbo Pascal 5.5, the object-oriented programming language for the rest of us. Updated with a PDF of the first two chapters of the language guide.
Antique Software: Turbo Pascal version 5.5
Ship date: 2-May-1989
Turbo Pascal 5.5, the world-standard Pascal compiler, adds Object-Oriented Programming. Combining the simplicity of Apple's Object Pascal language with the power and efficiency of C++ to create Turbo Pascal 5.5, the object-oriented programming language for the rest of us. Turbo Pascal 5.5 came in two versions: Turbo Pascal (the base product), and Turbo Pascal Professional (included Turbo Assembler and Turbo Debugger).
How to Download Turbo Pascal 5.5
Go to the Turbo Pascal 5.5 download page to download the software. When you are finished downloading the software, use your favorite zip utility (like PKZIP or WinZip) to decompress the zip file to a folder on your hard drive. Turbo Pascal 5.5 shipped on 2 floppy disks. Make sure you chose the decompression software's option to preserve folder names (-d for pkunzip, look for the check box option for winzip). You can make a 2-disk floppy set or you can install Turbo Pascal 5.5 direct from your hard drive.
These historical files are provided to the Borland community free of charge. They may be downloaded and used "as is" for personal use only. No developer support is provided. Each individual product contains copyright notices that are still in force. These files may not be made available via the Internet or any hard copy media (e.g. diskette, CDROM). We make no claims about Year 2000 compatibility for our antique software. If you have technical questions, you should ask the questions on our Internet newsgroups (there may be someone who remembers these old tools).
Turbo Pascal 5.5 Features
• Inheritance
• Static & dynamic objects
• Constructors and Destructors
• Object constants
• Compiles @ > 34,000 lines/minute
• New integrated environment tutorial
• Hypertext Help with copy & paste
• Enhanced smart linker & overlay manager
• Support for Intel 8087, 80287, 80387 math co-processors
• Integrated source-level debugging
Turbo Pascal 5.5 Advertisement
Below is a scanned image of the Turbo Pascal 5.5 advertisement. Click on the image to display a larger version (362kb) of the ad.
Community member Bill Meyer was kind enough to scan in and convert the first two chapters of the TP 5.5 Object Oriented-Programming Chapter guide into a PDF. He has done a fantastic job with it. You can view (or download, it's 2.58MB) the Introduction and "All About OOP" chapters of the guide from the file TP_55_OOP_Guide.pdf. While it's old, the OOP chapter still does a good job of covering the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming.
The following is the Readme file that came with Turbo Pascal 5.5. Please notice that any mention of support, references to phone numbers or addresses are here for historical purposes. Since this is antique software, there is no developer support for this product. If you have questions, you should ask them on our Internet newsgroups. You might find an old timer who still remembers using this version of Turbo Pascal.

This README file contains important, last minute information
about Turbo Pascal 5.5. The HELPME!.DOC file also answers many
common Technical Support questions.

1. Turbo Debugger
2. Important Notes & Additions
3. Tour - New introduction to the IDE
4. Corrections to the manual
5. Turbo Pascal 5.5 and the Toolboxes
6. Listing of Files on the Disks

Turbo Debugger has been upgraded to version 1.5 to support
Turbo Pascal 5.5's object-oriented extensions. You can debug
both 5.0 and 5.5 programs with the new release of TD (1.5). If
you have TD 1.0, you can still debug any TP 5.5 programs that
do not use objects.

If you don't already have Turbo Debugger 1.5, call Customer
Service for information about upgrading: (408) 438-5300.


o REBUILD TPUs. Remember to rebuild your old units with version
5.5 or you'll get an error 72 (Unit file format error) when you
try to use that unit. To rebuild an entire program from the
Integrated Development Environment, load the main program into
the editor and select the COMPILE/BUILD menu command. If you
are using the command-line compiler, type:

tpc /b ProgramName

You'll need to have all source code available in the logged

o COMPILER ERROR MESSAGES. The following compiler error
messages have been added or modified:

99 File and procedure types are not allowed here
146 File access denied

o RUN-TIME ERROR MESSAGE. The following new run-time error
message will occur if range-checking is on {$R+} and a call is
made to an object's virtual method when that object has not yet
been initialized via a constructor call (see Page 37 in the
Object-Oriented Programming Guide for more information):

210 Object not initialized


Version 5.5 now includes Tour, an online introduction to the
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). If you are new to
Turbo Pascal, spending 15 minutes with Tour will get you up to
speed in the IDE.


o Page 3: The reference to using TINST at the bottom of the page
should indicate Page 308 of the User's Guide.

o Page 94: To perform more complete error checking in the
code fragment at the top of the page, insert a conditional
statement immediately after the OverInitEMS call:

if (OvrResult = OvrOK) then
SaveOvrRead := OvrReadBuf; { Save EMS default }
OvrReadBuf := MyOvrRead; { Install ours }
UsingEMS := true;

o Page 114 - 118: Corrections or Additions to the Index

extensibility 46,78
Fail 107
with (reserved word)
statement 13,22,78,82
implicit 17

The source code from version 4.0 of all Turbo Pascal toolboxes
(including the Turbo Pascal Tutor) is fully compatible with 5.5.


INSTALL EXE - Installs Turbo Pascal on your system
README COM - Program to display README file
TURBO EXE - Turbo Pascal Integrated Development Environment
TURBO TPL - Resident units for Turbo Pascal
TPC EXE - Command-line version of Turbo Pascal
UNPACK COM - Unpacks .ARC files
HELP ARC - Archived Turbo Pascal Help File (TURBO.HLP)
TOUR ARC - Archived Tour of the Integrated
Development Environment

TOUR EXE - Tour program
TPTOUR1 CBT - Tour data file
TPTOUR2 CBT - Tour data file

THELP COM - Memory-resident help program so you can get
Online Help even if you are not working in the
Integrated Development Environment.

README - This file!

OOPDEMOS ARC - Packed file that contains object-oriented
programming (OOP) examples

OOPDEMOS DOC - Documentation overview of OOP examples

OBJECTS PAS - OOP unit that defines some basic object types
BUFSTM ASM - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
DOSSTM ASM - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
STREAM ASM - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS
OBJECTS INC - Assembler code for OBJECTS.PAS

FORMS PAS - OOP forms entry/edit unit
SLIDERS PAS - OOP unit that extends FORMS.PAS

CARDFILE PAS - Database example for CARDS.PAS
CARDS DTA - Example data for CARDFILE.PAS
CARDS PAS - OOP unit that implements cards database
CARDGEN PAS - Generates example databases for CARDFILE.PAS

BREAKOUT PAS - OOP game example
BOUNDS PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo
BRICKS PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo
WALLS PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo
COUNT PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo
SCREEN PAS - OOP unit for Breakout demo

POINTS PAS - From page 20 of the OOP Guide
FIGURES PAS - From page 42 of the OOP Guide
FIGDEMO PAS - From page 47 of the OOP Guide
LISTDEMO PAS - From page 57 of the OOP Guide

TCALC ARC - Packed file with complete source code to
new object-oriented Turbo Calc example program

TCALC PAS - Turbo Calc example program
TCALC DOC - Documentation for TCALC demo
TCCELL PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCCELLSP PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCHASH PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCINPUT PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCLSTR PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCMENU PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCPARSER PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCRUN PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCSCREEN PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCSHEET PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCUTIL PAS - OOP unit for TCALC demo
TCCOMPAR ASM - Assembler code for TCALC demo
TCMVSMEM ASM - Assembler code for TCALC demo
TCCOMPAR OBJ - .OBJ file for TCALC demo
TCMVSMEM OBJ - .OBJ file for TCALC demo

DEMOS ARC - Packed file that contains example (non-object
oriented) programs

WIN PAS - Simple windowing extensions to Crt unit
WIN ASM - Assembler code for WIN.PAS
WIN OBJ - .OBJ file for WIN.PAS

EXECDEMO PAS - Executes a child program (DOS unit)
DIRDEMO PAS - Displays directory, uses procedural types
CRTDEMO PAS - Crt unit demo
OVRDEMO PAS - Overlay unit demo
OVRDEMO1 PAS - Example unit for OVRDEMO.PAS
OVRDEMO2 PAS - Example unit for OVRDEMO.PAS
CIRCULAR PAS - Demos the USES clause in implementation section
ERROR PAS - Example unit for CIRCULAR.PAS
QSORT PAS - QuickSort example
LISTER PAS - Printer unit demo
HILB PAS - Floating-point demo
FIB8087 PAS - Recursive example that uses the 8087 math
coprocessor and avoids 8087 stack overflow
PROCVAR PAS - Simple procedural types demo
EMS PAS - Example program that shows how to use expanded
memory from your programs
CPASDEMO PAS - Example program that shows how to link TURBO C .OBJ
files into Turbo Pascal programs
CPASDEMO C - C program for use with CPASDEMO.PAS
CTOPAS TC - Turbo C configuration file to use with TC.EXE
for producing .OBJ files that can be linked with
Turbo Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)
TURBOC CFG - Turbo C configuration file to use with TCC.EXE for
producing .OBJ files that can be linked with Turbo
Pascal (see CPASDEMO.PAS)

BGI ARC - Packed file that contains graphics documentation,
drivers, fonts, and examples

GRAPH TPU - Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) Graph unit
ATT BGI - Graphics device driver for AT&T 6300
CGA BGI - Graphics device driver for CGA and MCGA
EGAVGA BGI - Graphics device driver for EGA and VGA
HERC BGI - Graphics device driver for Hercules mono
PC3270 BGI - Graphics device driver for 3270 PC
IBM8514 BGI - Graphics device driver for IBM 8514
GOTH CHR - Gothic font character set
LITT CHR - Small font character set
SANS CHR - Sans serif font character set
TRIP CHR - Triplex font character set
BGIDEMO PAS - Graph unit example
ARTY PAS - Graph unit example
BGILINK PAS - Graph unit example that shows how to link
font and driver files into an .EXE file
DRIVERS PAS - Example unit for use with BGILINK.PAS
FONTS PAS - Example unit for use with BGILINK.PAS
BGILINK MAK - Make file for use with BGILINK.PAS

DOC ARC - Interface section listings for system units

THELP DOC - Documentation for memory-resident help utility
SYSTEM DOC - Interface section listing for the System unit
DOS DOC - Interface section listing for the Dos unit
CRT DOC - Interface section listing for the Crt unit
PRINTER DOC - Interface section listing for the Printer unit
OVERLAY DOC - Interface section listing for the Overlay unit
GRAPH DOC - Interface section listing for the Graph unit
TURBO3 DOC - Interface section listing for the Turbo3 unit
GRAPH3 DOC - Interface section listing for the Graph3 unit
HELPME! DOC - Text file with the answers to many common
questions. If you have a technical question
about Turbo Pascal, chances are good that the
question and answer are in HELPME!.DOC.

TINSTXFR EXE - Transfers 4.0 and 5.0 IDE customizations to 5.5
UTILS ARC - Packed file that contains a number of useful

TINST EXE - Customization program for TURBO.EXE
MAKE EXE - Manages projects
GREP COM - Searches text files for strings
TOUCH COM - Changes a file's timestamp to force re-compilation
BINOBJ EXE - Converts a binary data file to an .OBJ file
TPUMOVER EXE - Unit mover utility
TPCONFIG EXE - Converts .TP files to .CFG

TURBO3 ARC - Turbo 3.0 compatibility files

UPGRADE EXE - Program that converts 3.0 programs to 5.5
TURBO3 TPU - TURBO3 compatibility unit
GRAPH3 TPU - GRAPH3 compatibility unit (turtle graphics)
BCD PAS - Unit to convert Turbo Pascal 3.0 BCD reals to
Turbo Pascal 5.5 floating point numbers

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